I've learned something from TM "nuts"
Well my housemate and i sign up the RM 110 combo package, bcoz of the free modem
and now i really regretted for signing that stupid package
yes they give us the modem, free
but about the modem, i just have to sigh, for ur info it's a riger DB102
it always hang during the midnight, and disconnected very often
i phone TM and ask them for solution, then they changed the modem to billion
and yet, the problem is still there, disconnect, disconnect and disconnect
after my previous sem break, 1 of my housemate told me they've totally disconnected and fail to connect it, even they restart the modem for dozens time
after i came back for sem 3, i phone them, and viola, they give me back the riger modem again
well TM CEO, if u r reading this, i have to advise u, ur company is no longer in a monopoly market, look at celcom broadband
they have wireless and the speed is incredible fast (thx to ah pher for testing)
i know they r only for certain area but at least their service is BETTER THAN U
U've try to attract us to sign the combo package using the free modem method
but u didn't even wanted to service us, u got no "after-selling service"
plz go back to college or U to study about marketing
Maybe u've earn much from those firms who apply wire phone from u and u dont care about us
ok fine, u'll still lose some businesses from those families
I've learned from u, short term marketing strategy wont work, ur image is alrdy BROKEN
Internet Provider Fail
TM Nuts
TM.Tidak Menentu.(not stable)