And I'm very agree, our world is totally rotten
War, robbery, raping, children crying, human is the worst creature -_-
I know, i'm a human 2, but i'm not going to save the world or whatever u saw in those drama or anime shows, creating a utopia world?
Sry i dont have that kind of extra-ordinary power -_-
What can we do? all we can do is trying to change black colour into white colour around us
but honestly i like black more than white -_-
Nowadays, human is not a living creature, but a surviving creature
Just like wild animal, rabbit is trying to avoid snake, and snake is trying to avoid eagle
Everyday, live with FEAR
and y do i say so?
This is bcoz of WORKING
If u r only have 1 source to get money, which is WORKING
I'm sure u r surviving, everyday, every week, every year u r doing the same thing, WORK
Did u notice? Everyday u are doing the same thing
Wake up
Wash ur face
Wheat bread + coffee for breakfast
Wack ur boss inside ur mind bcoz u cant do that physically and get home
Wash ur body
Watch TV -_-
Wipe those dirty things from ur tooth and sleep
Is this what u want? 365 days doing all the same thing?
Man, this is a pain in ur ass, i would die if i do that
And y did i say u live in fear if u r doing these
bcoz, once u stop working, u wont have money to eat, agree?
If u involve urself in an accident, u break ur hand or leg or ur head
go and sleep in the hospital, u cant work
Even worst if u r handicapped
If is y i say u r living in FEAR
Fear that 1 day u become old, or cant work anymore
This is y i said

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