♪♪ ♪♪

06 February 2010

♪ :: [ Love In The Ice - DBSK ] :: ♪

well...like to share with u all about this song

Everytime i listen to it, it reminds me about 【ЁГаǐЙе の ВгоФ】 LOL~ XD
coz i found this song from her blog, and i like it, thx to her for introducing this song for me =)

*pet elaine*

very soft, adorable, sweet and blissful feeling

I feel relax, ice cold when ever this song played, sometimes abit "gatal" feeling in my heart
even it's cold in the ice, love will warm us
It's a very powerful feeling...
Just like an ice, when there's a crack on it, it will never recover again
all u have to do is melt it and freeze it again,

that's what it means

Every scar in love, it will remains, it never disappear, no matter what u do, trying to recover it
the only way is to break it, melt and put it into fridge again
it's a long process

Try not too create scars for ur love once, bcoz once it does,
it's very hard to let it go, sometimes it will remain forever

Do not hurt her/him....anymore, ever
