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27 January 2010

Project Eagle Graduation

Hmm...a while since last post, well...quite busy this few days

Hamper....Customers... New IBOs ... follow up

many things to do, i'm tired, but i'm happy =D

Dozen of things happen this few days, First my PE graduation first

Too bad i didn't take pic with David and Jeffress, was too rush on that day
anyway...i really have fun with both of them

Nice to meet both of u =)

well...learnt something how guest speaker, Robert and Lily Yap

man...both of them have their style, but that function..
overall that i wanted to say is

There are no excuse when u r doing anything for this biz

err...cannot hear = deaf
cannot see = ?


Even a blind person attend the whole Project Eagle program
Even a person who didn't finish standard 6 can do it
Even a "nobody" become "some body"


guys, do u still have any excuses?

A blind 1, he has his dream
he has his vision for his future, even he cannot see

This graduation really taught me many things

and i'm grateful that i attended this function

Thx to Ken Lee for bringing me to this program

and also...my leaders

Simon, Alvin, Addy, Cherish

I still can remember how i feel that day
It's a very important day for me, can say it's my "family Re-union"

Dad, Mum, bro and sis attended, atleast we r all 2gether once again
bringing us together...more closer

even for few hours, i really appreciate it

Althought dad said something negative to me but, i still feel happy =X
i did learn more from him, but i know his style, almost like mine lol~ that's him

still~ no matter what he say, that's for my own good, i knew it

Another thx to my leaders, for bringing my family 2gether

2 bad i didn't take with my bro and dad, lol~ but anyway, still ok la~
next time lo =P


the next day we went to IoI mall for a short walk

and yes, i went to Popular again =X

dont know y, when i saw this book, i have the feeling...wanna to read it

after i read a few pages, indeed, the things he said inside

BWW did taught me alrdy

i has the feeling that...i'm going to be a successful person
Those winners attitude...most of them i have it, i learnt it

no doubt i will fail!!

and also...biz is doing big right now~ lol~~!
i'm sure this is the best January ever =)


  1. yer..so sad i cnt go T.T
    if not sure ll take photos wif u and tis handsome wear =(
