2009, i've make many different
also, i past it differently, among others
Thx to my Leaders,
and my Team, and followers
Yu Thai
Xuan Yi
Kang Wu
Kock Seng
And my friends i just met them
Ah Tack
Ah Aun
Voon Jet
Yan Mei
This is a meaningful year, for me
Honestly I found out, this is the slowest year for me XD
y? maybe bcoz i've done many things
many decisions has been made
many mistakes has been taken
many lessons has been taught
many first encounter has been broke through
many new friends has been made
and well, it wont come to an end, we have still another 2010!!
So, I must also have a different year right now
I'll open a BWW center in Teluk Intan, for my dearest followers
and Yes, I'm doing this, FOR U
For everyone
jyane 2009, thx for everything
31 December 2009
26 December 2009
† Happy Birthday..Jesus †

Wish - Brian Littrell
For just a moment I wish I could have been there
To see your first step, hear your very first word
Tell me did you ever fall and scrape your knee?
Did you know your wounds would one day heal the world?
For just one moment I wish I could have seen you growing
Learnin' the ways of a carpenter's son
Just a little boy gazing at the stars
But you remember creating everyone
If you passed by would I have seen a child or a king?
Would I have known?

I wish I could have been there
My only wish is to see you face to face
Wish I could have been there
Just to see you Jesus face to face

For just a moment I wish I could have been there with you
You left your footprints upon the way
To walk along beside you and never look away
And just your whisper in the wind and to see you all day
To see you feed the people
To feel your healing in your touch

I wish I could have been there
My only wish is to see you face to face
Wish I could have been there
Just to see you Jesus face to face
To hear you pray in the garden alone
laying down your will with each tear
To see you walk that lonely road
Willing to die for me
And in that moment I know I should have been there
You took my cross you gave your life and you live again
And you live again

I wish I could have been there
My only wish is to see you rise again
Wish I could have been there
My only wish to see you Jesus face to face
Someday I'll be there, I'm gonna be there
I'll see your face, your mercy, your grace
Someday, Someday
I'm gonna see you Jesus face to face

I dont know y, i suddenly have an intention to post this, and it's strange
when i'm doing this post, i feel like crying, and i did
Listening Brian's song, looking at Jesus' face, i cried
I dont know WHY
But i know, JESUS
and you keep givin' me joy
you keep givin' me happiness
you keep givin' me hope
you keep givin' me everything i wish
you keep holdin' me up when i'm about to fall
and if even all of that is not enough
thx u... Jesus
25 December 2009
1.你的名字:VJ Ryuutsu
5.男女人妖:Male - -
6.起床的第一件事:look at my phone
8.愛玩電腦吗:ofcoz ~.~
10.有養寵物嗎:Yup, Cats
11.是否有口臭:If yes, I use mouthspray =X
12.愛洗澡嗎:if my house got bath tub, i may like it
13.有飯後潔牙嗎:nope ~.~
15.有潔癖嗎:what is this?
17.愛吃速食:not really, always eat will sien 1
18.早餐如何:random 1, sometimes good meal, sometimes just roti kosong
22.跟他/她的發展: just argue ~.~
24.現在還有暗戀的人:no more
25.初戀幾歲(暗戀也算):hohoho~ standard 4
26.有很多朋友嗎:yup, i guess
27.佔有慾強嗎:erm...not sure
29.承上題,你想跟他/她說 : told u, no - -
30.親情友情二選一:family first
32.他人如何:funny XD
33.他有做過讓你生氣的事:not yet, who knows? =P
35.換你點別人了,想說甚麼:just answer, so tha
1. Neon
2. Pher
3. Belle Low
4. Choon hong
5. Irene
6. Kyoro
7. Jaycee
1 號是你的: best friend + partner
2 號人好嗎:goddamn funny guy
3 號有怪癖嗎?: err...dont know lol
4 號是男的女的:male
5 號花癡嗎:err, not sure
6 號是怪人嗎:abit =P
7 號很憂鬱嗎:who knows =X
1. 是谁传給你这份问卷的 : elaine
2. 你们认识多久呢 : err, a month i guess
3. 你觉得他(她)对你來说很重要吗 : yeah!! very!! some1 who always make me laugh
4. 你与他(她)的关系是 : friend =D
5. 你覺得他(她)的個性如何 : ambition-ed, funny, very nice girl
6. 请问他(她)的兴趣是 : joking around with her XD
問 : 當你在更衣室沖水 门忽然被打开了
問 : 海中忽然大浪來襲后 你发现比基尼小姐上身泳裝被沖掉了
你会答 : err girl...do u need help?
問 : 去海边玩会使用什么交通工具
答 : BMW vision ~.~
問 : 你突然发现沒帶泳裝 泳衣你会買
答 : cincai la, dont want triangle enough ~.~
問 : 回去时 发现有其他遊客手机沒拿 你会觉得是哪牌子的
答 : balckberry
问 : 海边对你來说是
答 : if the water is crystal clear, a very nice place to relax
問 : 看到镜子 会不由自主的向前吗??
答 : nope =X
問 : 经常用洗面乳吗?
答 : no XD
問 : 说到自恋会想到谁?
答 : Stephy =X
問 : 有人说该減肥了...
答 : yeah i know
問 : 自恋 適合你吗??
答 : erm...nope
你喜欢去那里玩:Meet friends in HeroNet, and play l4d2 with fuxkko XD
去玩时喜欢一个人去么:definitely, no
如是假日你都睡到几点:well it depands, lol
今天天气如何:gloomy, that's good, wont so hot
朋友和情人你回选择:my dear
你很自恋么: no gua
你有穿过耳洞么:not...yet =X
1.你的名字:VJ Ryuutsu
5.男女人妖:Male - -
6.起床的第一件事:look at my phone
8.愛玩電腦吗:ofcoz ~.~
10.有養寵物嗎:Yup, Cats
11.是否有口臭:If yes, I use mouthspray =X
12.愛洗澡嗎:if my house got bath tub, i may like it
13.有飯後潔牙嗎:nope ~.~
15.有潔癖嗎:what is this?
17.愛吃速食:not really, always eat will sien 1
18.早餐如何:random 1, sometimes good meal, sometimes just roti kosong
22.跟他/她的發展: just argue ~.~
24.現在還有暗戀的人:no more
25.初戀幾歲(暗戀也算):hohoho~ standard 4
26.有很多朋友嗎:yup, i guess
27.佔有慾強嗎:erm...not sure
29.承上題,你想跟他/她說 : told u, no - -
30.親情友情二選一:family first
32.他人如何:funny XD
33.他有做過讓你生氣的事:not yet, who knows? =P
35.換你點別人了,想說甚麼:just answer, so tha
1. Neon
2. Pher
3. Belle Low
4. Choon hong
5. Irene
6. Kyoro
7. Jaycee
1 號是你的: best friend + partner
2 號人好嗎:goddamn funny guy
3 號有怪癖嗎?: err...dont know lol
4 號是男的女的:male
5 號花癡嗎:err, not sure
6 號是怪人嗎:abit =P
7 號很憂鬱嗎:who knows =X
1. 是谁传給你这份问卷的 : elaine
2. 你们认识多久呢 : err, a month i guess
3. 你觉得他(她)对你來说很重要吗 : yeah!! very!! some1 who always make me laugh
4. 你与他(她)的关系是 : friend =D
5. 你覺得他(她)的個性如何 : ambition-ed, funny, very nice girl
6. 请问他(她)的兴趣是 : joking around with her XD
問 : 當你在更衣室沖水 门忽然被打开了
問 : 海中忽然大浪來襲后 你发现比基尼小姐上身泳裝被沖掉了
你会答 : err girl...do u need help?
問 : 去海边玩会使用什么交通工具
答 : BMW vision ~.~
問 : 你突然发现沒帶泳裝 泳衣你会買
答 : cincai la, dont want triangle enough ~.~
問 : 回去时 发现有其他遊客手机沒拿 你会觉得是哪牌子的
答 : balckberry
问 : 海边对你來说是
答 : if the water is crystal clear, a very nice place to relax
問 : 看到镜子 会不由自主的向前吗??
答 : nope =X
問 : 经常用洗面乳吗?
答 : no XD
問 : 说到自恋会想到谁?
答 : Stephy =X
問 : 有人说该減肥了...
答 : yeah i know
問 : 自恋 適合你吗??
答 : erm...nope
你喜欢去那里玩:Meet friends in HeroNet, and play l4d2 with fuxkko XD
去玩时喜欢一个人去么:definitely, no
如是假日你都睡到几点:well it depands, lol
今天天气如何:gloomy, that's good, wont so hot
朋友和情人你回选择:my dear
你很自恋么: no gua
你有穿过耳洞么:not...yet =X
22 December 2009
Been forced to answer this
VJ Ryuutsu
Fail to control myself
sometime too serious
Str8 to the point!!
Nice person, very 孝顺, and good sense of humor =P
Singing, swimming & PC Games!! =D
Always be together with my dear =P
Financial Freedom, and ask elaine to build and design a room for me to keep all music instrument =X
When i reach self-actualization =D
NONE!! I just LOVE HER!!
hmm...very difficult question
Like to joke around, almost everything -.-
Japan!! i wanna see the latest technology and... EAT SUSHI XD
bcoz i got nothing to do
i thought i just answer that leh -.-
again...nice person lo, very funny lo XD
errr...seriously i never felt that
at moment i just came out from my mum's belly =X
Coke vanila =X
Fruit juice (must peel fresh 1)
& pher!! =D
VJ Ryuutsu
Fail to control myself
sometime too serious
Str8 to the point!!
Nice person, very 孝顺, and good sense of humor =P
Singing, swimming & PC Games!! =D
Always be together with my dear =P
Financial Freedom, and ask elaine to build and design a room for me to keep all music instrument =X
When i reach self-actualization =D
NONE!! I just LOVE HER!!
hmm...very difficult question
Like to joke around, almost everything -.-
Japan!! i wanna see the latest technology and... EAT SUSHI XD
bcoz i got nothing to do
i thought i just answer that leh -.-
again...nice person lo, very funny lo XD
errr...seriously i never felt that
at moment i just came out from my mum's belly =X
Coke vanila =X
Fruit juice (must peel fresh 1)
& pher!! =D
18 December 2009
Me = No Boundaries lyric

Seconds, Hours, so many days passed
I knew what i want but i really CANT WAIT
Every moment, i feel that i've found my way
I will always hold every chances, never let it go
Always believing myself, I'm doing the right thing
I has an only reason, allowing me to fight and never walk away
with every step i step closer
every breath is bringing me closer to my goal
I will make it through everything include pain
Sun, rain or thunderstorm
Never think that the road is going nowhere
Never gave up on my dreams
Every1 is taking my hand and showing me that I CAN DO IT
I will right until the end
Everyday is getting better and better
I clearly know about my future, where it's heading
NO BODY can bring me down
I've crash every barrier and r've run every line
Risked being save, i always knew why i am doing this!
I can go higher, i can go deeper
For me there r NO BOUNDARIES
I will crush everything that makes me slow or stop me
06 December 2009
Day after day
Day after day
i've done much mistakes recently, but , all of them r worth
coz i've learn from it
I always try to be perfect, but now i understand, to be perfect
first i have to make mistakes
but i cannot to be perfect, but atleast, i'm near toward perfect =)
Day after day, it will be like the day after 2moro - -
1 day i'll be dead, just the matter when and how
and i was thinking, when i'm dead, i think i should donate my organs to those who need them
with that, i will be always alive =P
also, i love to have ppl remember me even if i'm dead
i mean my name
in order to do this, also, i need to do something to this world
it's mess, i know
I cannot change the world, but atleast, i change myself and i 'm able to change part of it
and that's me, and ppl around me
The world is a mess, all of them should wake up
thx to Roland for 2012, this movie really WARNED US
Day by day, i still have to continue, enjoy my journey
what journey? my life journey
If u still dont understand, well remember this
i've done much mistakes recently, but , all of them r worth
coz i've learn from it
I always try to be perfect, but now i understand, to be perfect
first i have to make mistakes
but i cannot to be perfect, but atleast, i'm near toward perfect =)
Day after day, it will be like the day after 2moro - -
1 day i'll be dead, just the matter when and how
and i was thinking, when i'm dead, i think i should donate my organs to those who need them
with that, i will be always alive =P
also, i love to have ppl remember me even if i'm dead
i mean my name
in order to do this, also, i need to do something to this world
it's mess, i know
I cannot change the world, but atleast, i change myself and i 'm able to change part of it
and that's me, and ppl around me
The world is a mess, all of them should wake up
thx to Roland for 2012, this movie really WARNED US
Day by day, i still have to continue, enjoy my journey
what journey? my life journey
If u still dont understand, well remember this
19 November 2009
Time for Miracles

I found this quotes, sharing with u guys, bcoz it is true
from Napoleon Hill
Only when you believe, then only u will make it come true
plus, if u r looking my pages, laughing and say "stop dreaming"
Well i will ignore u, bcoz i knew
"Those who have no dream do not have the right to laugh at those who has"
Life without a dream, u r no human anymore, our world is full of dreams
our technologies
There were no lights, and look what we have, air cond, computers
these r the dream of the past, but now it become reality
For those who r not agree with me, think about it urself, what is the purpose u live in this world
some answer, EARNING MONEY
that's all, nothing else
Now y dont u think about it, if this is ur purpose, which means u better suicide
u got no hope anymore, u should end ur suffering
I DO know, many ppl do not think i will success, but i really dont care
and 1 day, i will prove it, JUST FOR U

and there r still many of my beloved friends, who also want to be an EAGLE
08 November 2009
ok what is focus?
*google search define:focus*
Easy, concentrate... - -
OK, y did i put this as a title, i mean MY title
coz from now on, I HAVE TO FOCUS
str8 to the finish line, dont care about any other things that block me [for sure cannot use it on da road]
Well, gonna stop all relax from now on, i must reach what i wanted to bcoz
*google search define:focus*
Easy, concentrate... - -
OK, y did i put this as a title, i mean MY title
coz from now on, I HAVE TO FOCUS
str8 to the finish line, dont care about any other things that block me [for sure cannot use it on da road]
Well, gonna stop all relax from now on, i must reach what i wanted to bcoz
12 October 2009
seiradnuoB oN
spell it from da behind XD
I've break through so much recently, after making a final decision to bring myself to my future,
that 1 desire, i've much more free time and i've done something that i didn't
Well, i still have a bunch of supporting friends, even some of my friends r not supportive XD
i dont really blame them, they do what they want, i just done what i have to do
they choose their future on their own, and i choose mine, and take the responsibility about what u've choose
What i do, just like the bottom lyrics
Just when you think the road is going nowhere
Just when you've almost gave up on your dreams
They take you by the hand and show you that you can
I'm the 1, who will ATLEAST show my hand in front of u and pull u out of what u r not suppose to be
and yet, u r still the only 1 who decide whether to hold my hand or not
i wont regret even if u fall into the well, bcoz i've done what i should do
u jatuh, u punya pasal XD
and also, Love keep's lifting me higher
I believe in the impossible
ages ago, they r no human who can fly, those who believe they can, they will be teased
nowadays, every1 can fly, what u have to do is go to airasia -_-
this is what our ancestor's dream, now it become reality
even, outer space, reaching the moon
Those who do not have a dream, you shouldn't tease those who have it, dumbass
If u still do so, y dont u die? u got no more reason to live
there are no boundaries, u can do anything, only when u keep trying without giving up
I've break through so much recently, after making a final decision to bring myself to my future,
that 1 desire, i've much more free time and i've done something that i didn't
Well, i still have a bunch of supporting friends, even some of my friends r not supportive XD
i dont really blame them, they do what they want, i just done what i have to do
they choose their future on their own, and i choose mine, and take the responsibility about what u've choose
What i do, just like the bottom lyrics
Just when you think the road is going nowhere
Just when you've almost gave up on your dreams
They take you by the hand and show you that you can
I'm the 1, who will ATLEAST show my hand in front of u and pull u out of what u r not suppose to be
and yet, u r still the only 1 who decide whether to hold my hand or not
i wont regret even if u fall into the well, bcoz i've done what i should do
u jatuh, u punya pasal XD
and also, Love keep's lifting me higher
I believe in the impossible
ages ago, they r no human who can fly, those who believe they can, they will be teased
nowadays, every1 can fly, what u have to do is go to airasia -_-
this is what our ancestor's dream, now it become reality
even, outer space, reaching the moon
Those who do not have a dream, you shouldn't tease those who have it, dumbass
If u still do so, y dont u die? u got no more reason to live
there are no boundaries, u can do anything, only when u keep trying without giving up
23 September 2009
First time, involved myself in Product fair, for Teluk Intan and Ipoh
Thx to Ken, Carmen, Simon, Alvin and Cherish for helping Neon and me for opening our market in Teluk Intan
As well, PF in Ipoh is also very successful!!
I've climbed up another step to my destination, what i have to do is keep it going
everything will be fine, dont care about anything that bring me down, drag my footsteps
i will deny everything that slow me down, no matter what, no matter who, so just f*** off!! XD
well, i still have many to learn, I CAN DO IT!
Thx to Ken, Carmen, Simon, Alvin and Cherish for helping Neon and me for opening our market in Teluk Intan
As well, PF in Ipoh is also very successful!!
I've climbed up another step to my destination, what i have to do is keep it going
everything will be fine, dont care about anything that bring me down, drag my footsteps
i will deny everything that slow me down, no matter what, no matter who, so just f*** off!! XD
well, i still have many to learn, I CAN DO IT!
09 September 2009
Little Angel - Kenadie
Kenadie Jourdin-Bromley, known around the world as "the littlest angel", was born Feb.13, 2003, weighing just 2 lbs, 8 ounces.

Doctors were at a loss as to why she was born so small and told her parents this little miracle baby likely wouldn't live through the night. But she did.

She continued to defy doctors expectations and at the age of 8 months, Kenadie was finally diagnosed with primordial dwarfism, a genetic condition that is believed to affect only about 100 people in the world. She isn't expected to grow past about 30 inches or weigh more than 8 pounds.
But from the day Kenadie was born her parents, Brianne Jourdin and Court Bromley, refused to give up. As they say, "We loved life right into her."
Indeed, they did.

Now 5 years old, Kenadie now walks, runs, laughs, smiles and is beginning to talk. But, perhaps more importantly, it's the way Kenadie makes people feel that is her strongest achievement. Those who come into contact with her invariably believe that they have been touched by God, that somehow this little angel has touched their soul.

Above was directly from http://littlekenadie.com/about.php
Gosh, i cant believe it, an angel was born
I was surprise that she's been 5 years old
this is really a miracle
even she, and her family didn't give up, it is really a special give
please, cherish ur life, dont give up

Doctors were at a loss as to why she was born so small and told her parents this little miracle baby likely wouldn't live through the night. But she did.

She continued to defy doctors expectations and at the age of 8 months, Kenadie was finally diagnosed with primordial dwarfism, a genetic condition that is believed to affect only about 100 people in the world. She isn't expected to grow past about 30 inches or weigh more than 8 pounds.
But from the day Kenadie was born her parents, Brianne Jourdin and Court Bromley, refused to give up. As they say, "We loved life right into her."
Indeed, they did.

Now 5 years old, Kenadie now walks, runs, laughs, smiles and is beginning to talk. But, perhaps more importantly, it's the way Kenadie makes people feel that is her strongest achievement. Those who come into contact with her invariably believe that they have been touched by God, that somehow this little angel has touched their soul.

Above was directly from http://littlekenadie.com/about.php
Gosh, i cant believe it, an angel was born
I was surprise that she's been 5 years old
this is really a miracle
even she, and her family didn't give up, it is really a special give
please, cherish ur life, dont give up
04 September 2009
Heaven knows
I guess many of u guys heard of this song,
this is really a nice song, very comfortable while listening it,
Rick's voice is erm...hard to describe, download and listen it on ur own XD
it's talking about a guy, who is very uncertain about his love once,
and he's thinking about her wherever he goes, man, a very passion guy XD
he's been trying so hard to get close to her
well, the result, heaven knows XD
there's few lines says
"My friends keep telling me, that if you really love her,
you gotta set her free, if she returns in kind,
I'll know she's mine"
well, i did uses this method, and it really work
seriously, it REALLY works
kinda love this song now, lol~
this is really a nice song, very comfortable while listening it,
Rick's voice is erm...hard to describe, download and listen it on ur own XD
it's talking about a guy, who is very uncertain about his love once,
and he's thinking about her wherever he goes, man, a very passion guy XD
he's been trying so hard to get close to her
well, the result, heaven knows XD
there's few lines says
"My friends keep telling me, that if you really love her,
you gotta set her free, if she returns in kind,
I'll know she's mine"
well, i did uses this method, and it really work
seriously, it REALLY works
kinda love this song now, lol~
03 September 2009
It's been a while
Time passes so fast, and i'm 20 right now,
i was listening some old songs and it remind me about my 16's life
i still remember i have been very active in 2 forums
and omg, i still remember the name of the forum lol
kzforum still exist, but the people i met, they r gone
while cityofangel, totally gone =(
i still remember some of the people in there, yunn, clay, and those who added me in msn only XD
i'm wondering what r they doing right now, and how r they
it has really been a while, they helped me so much
they were the people who really listen to my stories, every page of it,
it reminds me about my old life, chasing a girl, lol
it still reminds me alot of things, that's bcoz i have alrdy forget most of them O_o
i was listening some old songs and it remind me about my 16's life
i still remember i have been very active in 2 forums
and omg, i still remember the name of the forum lol
kzforum still exist, but the people i met, they r gone
while cityofangel, totally gone =(
i still remember some of the people in there, yunn, clay, and those who added me in msn only XD
i'm wondering what r they doing right now, and how r they
it has really been a while, they helped me so much
they were the people who really listen to my stories, every page of it,
it reminds me about my old life, chasing a girl, lol
it still reminds me alot of things, that's bcoz i have alrdy forget most of them O_o
27 August 2009
Mr. Raindrop~

Heavy rain this few days, but it makes the day cool and calm,
atleast i dont have to sweat all day long -_-
Wondering what's the reason causes it rain for few days,
God is crying? or..bcoz of Merdeka? O_o
well...only god knows XD
Well...recommend u guys this song =P

Click here to listen

Mr.Raindrop - AMPLIFIED
Mr.Raindrop falling away from me now
Mr.Raindrop falling away from me now
Mr.Raindrop falling away from me now
Mr.Raindrop falling away from me now
Do u know how much you mean to me
Why must you leave?
I'm just a flower on a tree
why must you leave
Do you know how much you mean to me why must you leave?
I'm just a flower on a tree
Why must u leave?
Mr.Raindrop falling away from me now
Mr.Raindrop falling away from me now
falling away from me now
Mr.Raindrop falling away from me now
Mr.Raindrop falling away from me now
Mr.Raindrop falling away from me now
Mr.Raindrop falling away from me now
19 August 2009
BACCHIKOI!!! (bacchikoi = bring it on!!)
I'd encountered many challenge this month, but it doesn't matter, and it wont stop me
it has been a long time since my last post lol
well, i cant imagine i've growth along this few months, mentally, but i still have many to learn
no matter what happen, kena bar, kena repeat, kena resit
i like this kind of situation, i'm controlling all the things, and not others
especially myself, i desire freedom, in everything
my main reason to start is to be free
and my 2nd reason, my family
now i have to show my responsibility, my organization is getting bigger,
but i still cant stop it, i still have to find quality people to get inside
i surprise Ken purposely called me this morning,
i've been awaken by him today morning -_-
since he called me, which means he has faith and confident on me,
i cant disappoint him, and also Alvin, Cherish, Addy and Simon
besides, my organizations, i have to help them to climb the ladder
well then, i will have to end with this
I'd encountered many challenge this month, but it doesn't matter, and it wont stop me
it has been a long time since my last post lol
well, i cant imagine i've growth along this few months, mentally, but i still have many to learn
no matter what happen, kena bar, kena repeat, kena resit
i like this kind of situation, i'm controlling all the things, and not others
especially myself, i desire freedom, in everything
my main reason to start is to be free
and my 2nd reason, my family
now i have to show my responsibility, my organization is getting bigger,
but i still cant stop it, i still have to find quality people to get inside
i surprise Ken purposely called me this morning,
i've been awaken by him today morning -_-
since he called me, which means he has faith and confident on me,
i cant disappoint him, and also Alvin, Cherish, Addy and Simon
besides, my organizations, i have to help them to climb the ladder
well then, i will have to end with this
24 July 2009
Morning Rain
The morning, the rain
A lonely boy is waiting the train
Those people who are walking, they're all the same
Going to work, to get some pay
With that thick cloud, we see no ray
Watching the rain from the window, drinking my milkshake
I hope the rain will stop one day
Or maybe there is a way?
A lonely boy is waiting the train
Those people who are walking, they're all the same
Going to work, to get some pay
With that thick cloud, we see no ray
Watching the rain from the window, drinking my milkshake
I hope the rain will stop one day
Or maybe there is a way?
22 July 2009
我的梦不会灭 不管路多斜
就算遇到风火雨水 我要追到中邪
那道墙 我要一直撞到它裂
如果没了Dream 我的人生旅程怎么写?
别再躲在地下铁 看不到那宽阔的天
为了Dream 就要改变
别再被人群忽略 要像公园里的蝴蝶
有了Dream 才能飞上天
我的梦不会灭 不管路多斜
就算遇到风火雨水 我要追到中邪
那道墙 我要一直撞到它裂
如果没了Dream 我的人生旅程怎么写?
别再躲在地下铁 看不到那宽阔的天
为了Dream 就要改变
别再被人群忽略 要像公园里的蝴蝶
有了Dream 才能飞上天
19 July 2009
♪ Welcome Home - Brian Littell ♪
♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
When I left home to be who I am
Some people said no way
But I laid it all down
Gave everything
In my head rang the words
That my father said
You're never far
I will be where you are
And when you come to me
I will open my arms
Welcome home you
I know you by name
How do you do
I shine because of you today
So come and sit down
Tell me how you are
I know son, it's good just see your face
When i look at you
Holding my heart
I will give to you all that I have
Son I know there'll be times
You'll feel all alone
I will share with you
The words my father said
You are never far
I will be where you are
And when you come to me
You can bet I will open my arms
Welcome home you
I know you by name
How do you do
I shine because of you today
So come and sit down
Tell me how you are
I know son, it's good just to see your face
See I've been waiting for that day
Just to feel your warm embrace
Your love has shown
That I will never be alone
For you will welcome me home
I'll forever be
For you will say to me
Welcome home you
I know you by name
How do you do
I shine because of you today
So come and sit down
Tell me how you are
I know son, it's good just to see your face
When I left home to be who I am
Some people said no way
♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
A very meaningful song for me, when everyone is leaving their home
Every father in this world do the same thing, always welcome their children to come back home
How long since u last see ur father? Me?
Around half month, I last saw him was CNY
Father is the one who has responsibility, lots of burden on their shoulder
They're like angels, protecting us from harm, using his wings as shield
Be nice, too our dearest Dad, Papa, or whatever u call him =)
When I left home to be who I am
Some people said no way
But I laid it all down
Gave everything
In my head rang the words
That my father said
You're never far
I will be where you are
And when you come to me
I will open my arms
Welcome home you
I know you by name
How do you do
I shine because of you today
So come and sit down
Tell me how you are
I know son, it's good just see your face
When i look at you
Holding my heart
I will give to you all that I have
Son I know there'll be times
You'll feel all alone
I will share with you
The words my father said
You are never far
I will be where you are
And when you come to me
You can bet I will open my arms
Welcome home you
I know you by name
How do you do
I shine because of you today
So come and sit down
Tell me how you are
I know son, it's good just to see your face
See I've been waiting for that day
Just to feel your warm embrace
Your love has shown
That I will never be alone
For you will welcome me home
I'll forever be
For you will say to me
Welcome home you
I know you by name
How do you do
I shine because of you today
So come and sit down
Tell me how you are
I know son, it's good just to see your face
When I left home to be who I am
Some people said no way
♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
A very meaningful song for me, when everyone is leaving their home
Every father in this world do the same thing, always welcome their children to come back home
How long since u last see ur father? Me?
Around half month, I last saw him was CNY
Father is the one who has responsibility, lots of burden on their shoulder
They're like angels, protecting us from harm, using his wings as shield
Be nice, too our dearest Dad, Papa, or whatever u call him =)
15 July 2009
The world is rotten
Well, this is originally from Death Note, "The world is ROTTEN"
And I'm very agree, our world is totally rotten
War, robbery, raping, children crying, human is the worst creature -_-
I know, i'm a human 2, but i'm not going to save the world or whatever u saw in those drama or anime shows, creating a utopia world?
Sry i dont have that kind of extra-ordinary power -_-
What can we do? all we can do is trying to change black colour into white colour around us
but honestly i like black more than white -_-
Nowadays, human is not a living creature, but a surviving creature
Just like wild animal, rabbit is trying to avoid snake, and snake is trying to avoid eagle
Everyday, live with FEAR
and y do i say so?
This is bcoz of WORKING
If u r only have 1 source to get money, which is WORKING
I'm sure u r surviving, everyday, every week, every year u r doing the same thing, WORK
Did u notice? Everyday u are doing the same thing
Wake up
Wash ur face
Wheat bread + coffee for breakfast
Wack ur boss inside ur mind bcoz u cant do that physically and get home
Wash ur body
Watch TV
www.sex.com -_-
Wipe those dirty things from ur tooth and sleep
Is this what u want? 365 days doing all the same thing?
Man, this is a pain in ur ass, i would die if i do that
And y did i say u live in fear if u r doing these
bcoz, once u stop working, u wont have money to eat, agree?
If u involve urself in an accident, u break ur hand or leg or ur head
go and sleep in the hospital, u cant work
Even worst if u r handicapped
If is y i say u r living in FEAR
Fear that 1 day u become old, or cant work anymore
This is y i said
And I'm very agree, our world is totally rotten
War, robbery, raping, children crying, human is the worst creature -_-
I know, i'm a human 2, but i'm not going to save the world or whatever u saw in those drama or anime shows, creating a utopia world?
Sry i dont have that kind of extra-ordinary power -_-
What can we do? all we can do is trying to change black colour into white colour around us
but honestly i like black more than white -_-
Nowadays, human is not a living creature, but a surviving creature
Just like wild animal, rabbit is trying to avoid snake, and snake is trying to avoid eagle
Everyday, live with FEAR
and y do i say so?
This is bcoz of WORKING
If u r only have 1 source to get money, which is WORKING
I'm sure u r surviving, everyday, every week, every year u r doing the same thing, WORK
Did u notice? Everyday u are doing the same thing
Wake up
Wash ur face
Wheat bread + coffee for breakfast
Wack ur boss inside ur mind bcoz u cant do that physically and get home
Wash ur body
Watch TV
www.sex.com -_-
Wipe those dirty things from ur tooth and sleep
Is this what u want? 365 days doing all the same thing?
Man, this is a pain in ur ass, i would die if i do that
And y did i say u live in fear if u r doing these
bcoz, once u stop working, u wont have money to eat, agree?
If u involve urself in an accident, u break ur hand or leg or ur head
go and sleep in the hospital, u cant work
Even worst if u r handicapped
If is y i say u r living in FEAR
Fear that 1 day u become old, or cant work anymore
This is y i said

04 July 2009
Gonna be busy
July, hmm, i will quite busy during this month, many things to do during this month
But recently i figure out, what I do now, is not what I wanted for the future
Just like, I want tomatoes but i'm planting potatoes -_-
what the heck~?
I actually dont like to study, i forced myself to do so, many ppl said
"Wa geng la u!" "How u study 1? Teach me!" "Aiyo u can de, i cannot"
For me, everyone is equal, how much effort u put on something, u'll gain something depands on ur effort
No matter how success a person is, the effort he or she put in is erm...how to describe -_-
But what i'm doing now, i really wanna skip it, i tried to ask myself to study, since i've miss many classes (purposely)
My body wont move -_-
instead, i sit in front of my pc and start playing, Prototype, Burnout, Left 4 dead, GTA IV
I need to change a little bit, mentally, and physically
HAIR -_-
But recently i figure out, what I do now, is not what I wanted for the future
Just like, I want tomatoes but i'm planting potatoes -_-
what the heck~?
I actually dont like to study, i forced myself to do so, many ppl said
"Wa geng la u!" "How u study 1? Teach me!" "Aiyo u can de, i cannot"
For me, everyone is equal, how much effort u put on something, u'll gain something depands on ur effort
No matter how success a person is, the effort he or she put in is erm...how to describe -_-
But what i'm doing now, i really wanna skip it, i tried to ask myself to study, since i've miss many classes (purposely)
My body wont move -_-
instead, i sit in front of my pc and start playing, Prototype, Burnout, Left 4 dead, GTA IV
I need to change a little bit, mentally, and physically
HAIR -_-
24 June 2009
Feeling Better Now
Thx to Neon and Gary for reading my blog and leaving some comments, anyway
I wont show that i'm in trouble in my real life, i'll only express my feeling using this blog
If u guys just wanna know what's going on in my heart, feel free to view my blog lol
U guys may see me personally and u wont figure out what's my problem in my heart
i WONT tell u guys unless writing in this blog
I dont like to share my sad feelings and make others to have the same feeling like me
I dont like to make ppl sad, feel free to post comments
Even how down i am, I'll still keep it another part of my mask which no 1 will see that
Well, some kind of Persona i guess
A very much tq for those who celebrate my birthday with me, Eru, stephy, Yan mei, Wai Tack, Ah Pher, Jeff, Tarzan and Piggy Onn, Neon didn't show himself, u'r late, LOL, but it's ok
This is my worst and the best birthday, LOL y i said like this?
Wanna know y it is the worst? Read my previous post, this is my first time, which so many ppl celebrating my birthday, twist
Honestly, the numbers of celebrating my birthday in my life, i can count it with my fingers even i'm 20 now XD
I'm really surprise, the first time i receive a "self-made" birthday card by my housemate, an idea from eru, stephy and yan mei i guess, but it doesn't matter, the whole housemate involved it
Maybe this is what they said, True Friends
anyway, TQ GUYS~~~!
I wont show that i'm in trouble in my real life, i'll only express my feeling using this blog
If u guys just wanna know what's going on in my heart, feel free to view my blog lol
U guys may see me personally and u wont figure out what's my problem in my heart
i WONT tell u guys unless writing in this blog
I dont like to share my sad feelings and make others to have the same feeling like me
I dont like to make ppl sad, feel free to post comments
Even how down i am, I'll still keep it another part of my mask which no 1 will see that
Well, some kind of Persona i guess
A very much tq for those who celebrate my birthday with me, Eru, stephy, Yan mei, Wai Tack, Ah Pher, Jeff, Tarzan and Piggy Onn, Neon didn't show himself, u'r late, LOL, but it's ok
This is my worst and the best birthday, LOL y i said like this?
Wanna know y it is the worst? Read my previous post, this is my first time, which so many ppl celebrating my birthday, twist
Honestly, the numbers of celebrating my birthday in my life, i can count it with my fingers even i'm 20 now XD
I'm really surprise, the first time i receive a "self-made" birthday card by my housemate, an idea from eru, stephy and yan mei i guess, but it doesn't matter, the whole housemate involved it
Maybe this is what they said, True Friends
anyway, TQ GUYS~~~!
21 June 2009
Unhappy birthday
A very disappointing 20th birthday for me
1st reason, Love
She and me, no more, since she still dont know how to believe in me
I dont think we can continue anymore, even the most simple and important things that a couple should have, Faith
She still wanted to think that I'll mess around with other girls, I told her to be with me
Study 2gether in Kampar, then what's the consequences? Like now, no FAITH
I guess the accumulated time we meet each other is less than 6 month, even though we have been 2gether for 2 years
I'm confused, if she really wanted to be with me, why wont she decide to come with me, instead of choosing that stupid fucking noob school, dont even have assignment, no opportunity to communicate with ppl, that fucking school even approve and give the certificate even though the students doesn't finish the whole course
2nd reason, Family
first, my granny, her leg is injured and i really worried about her
But i dont have time to visit her, but now she's with my uncle, atleast i dont have to worry that she's alone
Next, my dad, I just been informed by him, he's working for 2 jobs
althought, the main purpose he called me was to wish me a Happy Birthday but
I'm not happy, it's not bcoz of he cant celebrate with me
It's bcoz of the present i receive, he's going to bank in some money for me, but I know,
the money i get may cause some problem to him, he may skip a lunch or dinner or whatever,
I dont want to give more burden to him, I'm the oldest, I wanted to share his responsibility
That's y i'm doing this business, it's painful to see him suffer, working so hard
Well, some people maybe have more difficult situation, mine is nothing, but still, i still have to work hard, no matter what happen, 2moro is a new day again
but still, I'm very down right now, even the closest person, she wont be able to understand what i'm facing i guess, she's from a good family
Sigh, better sleep now
1st reason, Love
She and me, no more, since she still dont know how to believe in me
I dont think we can continue anymore, even the most simple and important things that a couple should have, Faith
She still wanted to think that I'll mess around with other girls, I told her to be with me
Study 2gether in Kampar, then what's the consequences? Like now, no FAITH
I guess the accumulated time we meet each other is less than 6 month, even though we have been 2gether for 2 years
I'm confused, if she really wanted to be with me, why wont she decide to come with me, instead of choosing that stupid fucking noob school, dont even have assignment, no opportunity to communicate with ppl, that fucking school even approve and give the certificate even though the students doesn't finish the whole course
2nd reason, Family
first, my granny, her leg is injured and i really worried about her
But i dont have time to visit her, but now she's with my uncle, atleast i dont have to worry that she's alone
Next, my dad, I just been informed by him, he's working for 2 jobs
althought, the main purpose he called me was to wish me a Happy Birthday but
I'm not happy, it's not bcoz of he cant celebrate with me
It's bcoz of the present i receive, he's going to bank in some money for me, but I know,
the money i get may cause some problem to him, he may skip a lunch or dinner or whatever,
I dont want to give more burden to him, I'm the oldest, I wanted to share his responsibility
That's y i'm doing this business, it's painful to see him suffer, working so hard
Well, some people maybe have more difficult situation, mine is nothing, but still, i still have to work hard, no matter what happen, 2moro is a new day again
but still, I'm very down right now, even the closest person, she wont be able to understand what i'm facing i guess, she's from a good family
Sigh, better sleep now
19 June 2009
Music, my living tool

Music, it's amazing, a tool that enhance my feeling
No many happy, sad or whatever, it's an enhancement and bring me to a higher lv of my feeling
Recently I jump into a gaming well and i keep swimming inside, i finally climb my ass out of this well after finishing Prototype™
Now i'm standing on the Music field again, BACK TO MUSIC!!
It really helps me alot, on everything, even though sometimes it makes my tear comes out LOL
I'll feel better by expressing my feeling through music, especially high pitching songs, something like 无辜 XD
I believe many ppl know this, but I intended to write this since i wake up this morning, dont know y LOL
06 June 2009
Everything happens suddenly
It's been a long time since my last post, i bought a new "game station" (actually it's a new pc)
well i play alot these days, and sometimes, somethings just happen suddenly
First, my result, i never...NEVER expected that kinda of result
Besides, i suddenly become a leader, more burden, but more power XD
I'd started to feel that I'm very different now, the way I meet with ppl, talk with ppl
Sometimes I don't even wanted to talk to ppl, care about them
Now I understand deeper, what is friendship, seriously I don't take friendship so that important
And yet, suddenly, we quarrel, quarrel and quarrel again, I don't know y, I'm frustrated
Is that real? The time bomb is going to explode or what? I'm pissed
So far she still act like the same way, why can't she adjust the way she speak to me, sometimes i feel like I'm a stranger to her, I'm really pissed
Sometimes, when i talk to her, she piss me off, then i started to feel "xi beh sien"
quarrel everytime, dont know how much a month, i don't feel like want to talk to her anymore,
it only get even worse, i'm starting to be like Does, lazy singing style, being lazy..Dontennn no..michiwo, kasa wo wasureteeeee~
I don't know what should I do, end our relationship or what, i have to consider many things
Well, i suddenly know how to play the early part of Psi-Missing in piano, thx to neon for teaching,
And i just found out that my hand is too small -_-
i cant change that but i can do more practice, i'm starting to get myself involve in many things, and yes, suddenly involved
Man, life should run like this way i guess, or whatever, i dont know, sometimes everything just fucked up together
Holyshit, 0534 lol, i'm going out at 0700 for basketball, haven't sleep yet, maybe i should sleep after playing, LOL
well i play alot these days, and sometimes, somethings just happen suddenly
First, my result, i never...NEVER expected that kinda of result
Besides, i suddenly become a leader, more burden, but more power XD
I'd started to feel that I'm very different now, the way I meet with ppl, talk with ppl
Sometimes I don't even wanted to talk to ppl, care about them
Now I understand deeper, what is friendship, seriously I don't take friendship so that important
And yet, suddenly, we quarrel, quarrel and quarrel again, I don't know y, I'm frustrated
Is that real? The time bomb is going to explode or what? I'm pissed
So far she still act like the same way, why can't she adjust the way she speak to me, sometimes i feel like I'm a stranger to her, I'm really pissed
Sometimes, when i talk to her, she piss me off, then i started to feel "xi beh sien"
quarrel everytime, dont know how much a month, i don't feel like want to talk to her anymore,
it only get even worse, i'm starting to be like Does, lazy singing style, being lazy..Dontennn no..michiwo, kasa wo wasureteeeee~
I don't know what should I do, end our relationship or what, i have to consider many things
Well, i suddenly know how to play the early part of Psi-Missing in piano, thx to neon for teaching,
And i just found out that my hand is too small -_-
i cant change that but i can do more practice, i'm starting to get myself involve in many things, and yes, suddenly involved
Man, life should run like this way i guess, or whatever, i dont know, sometimes everything just fucked up together
Holyshit, 0534 lol, i'm going out at 0700 for basketball, haven't sleep yet, maybe i should sleep after playing, LOL
23 May 2009
HOLY MOTHERFUCKER =X (sorry for bad language)

honestly, HONESTLY, i really dont expect this to happen, every subject i use the day b4 that paper to study, most of the answer, i used my own words to do it
now i can confirm that, my study method is the correct 1, read the main point, the terms
then use my own words to describe, i think that's what they wanted from us
but i still feel kinda lucky this time, but if i put more effort on it, honestly i may get A, i really didn't take good use of my talent, LOL
well, i better go and wash myself up, i just wake up, i haven't take any breakfast yet -_-
02 May 2009
yos... *run away*
26 April 2009
yos! I have another IBO now XD
i can see it, even able to imagine it, my group, my team, the number is getting more and more
now i'm going to have a wider span of control, LOL y am i mixing Organizational Behaviour with this XD
some ppl may not but some ppl will notive that i'm evolving into zerglings, LOL no more starcraft plz
whatever, all i know is, i'm a little closer to what i desire, what i wanted... *imagine myself curving bullet*
they r right, no matter how many negative response i receive from other, without them, my team is still growing, even though they didn't join me
and still, i have to find more ppl, and slap them from sleeping in this stupid TAUFU negative environment, i want to give hope to others
ps :: TAUFU = totally and ultimately fucked up
god create this XD
i can see it, even able to imagine it, my group, my team, the number is getting more and more
now i'm going to have a wider span of control, LOL y am i mixing Organizational Behaviour with this XD
some ppl may not but some ppl will notive that i'm evolving into zerglings, LOL no more starcraft plz
whatever, all i know is, i'm a little closer to what i desire, what i wanted... *imagine myself curving bullet*
they r right, no matter how many negative response i receive from other, without them, my team is still growing, even though they didn't join me
and still, i have to find more ppl, and slap them from sleeping in this stupid TAUFU negative environment, i want to give hope to others
ps :: TAUFU = totally and ultimately fucked up
god create this XD
07 April 2009
dai ken da...honto ni dai kenda!!
a re...week 6?!!
do shuru...DO SHURU!!
2 more weeks, another sem again, i'm going to year 2 T_T
i still haven't start my revision, better do it from now on
i hope i wont fail any paper this sem, arg i dont want resit
wish i can pass all, and get higher CGPA
yos.. gambaru kuda sai
or...i should say
a re...week 6?!!
do shuru...DO SHURU!!
2 more weeks, another sem again, i'm going to year 2 T_T
i still haven't start my revision, better do it from now on
i hope i wont fail any paper this sem, arg i dont want resit
wish i can pass all, and get higher CGPA
yos.. gambaru kuda sai
or...i should say
01 April 2009
My Class
17 March 2009
After death..?

I just finish bathing, while doing that in da bath room, i was thinking
what happen to the soul after a person is dead?
the soul will go to heaven?
reborn and become another person?
the soul will hang around the world and wait for Shinigami and fetch us to SeiReiTei?
the soul will transfer to a hollow?
or...the soul will attend the court and decide to heaven or hell,
if heaven, will i meet Kaio? O_o
well no 1 can answer this, anyway which 1 is the truth?
if i reborn and become another person, man that will be fun, trying different lifestyle, born in another type of family, erm maybe different gender? XD
will i have the face that i'm having now? or a different 1?
which mean i have to start over again, from a baby
man this sucks, i have to learn everything all over again sigh
11 March 2009
Tmnet, ur marketing strategy wont work longterm
I've learned something from TM "nuts"
Well my housemate and i sign up the RM 110 combo package, bcoz of the free modem
and now i really regretted for signing that stupid package
yes they give us the modem, free
but about the modem, i just have to sigh, for ur info it's a riger DB102
it always hang during the midnight, and disconnected very often
i phone TM and ask them for solution, then they changed the modem to billion
and yet, the problem is still there, disconnect, disconnect and disconnect
after my previous sem break, 1 of my housemate told me they've totally disconnected and fail to connect it, even they restart the modem for dozens time
after i came back for sem 3, i phone them, and viola, they give me back the riger modem again
well TM CEO, if u r reading this, i have to advise u, ur company is no longer in a monopoly market, look at celcom broadband
they have wireless and the speed is incredible fast (thx to ah pher for testing)
i know they r only for certain area but at least their service is BETTER THAN U
U've try to attract us to sign the combo package using the free modem method
but u didn't even wanted to service us, u got no "after-selling service"
plz go back to college or U to study about marketing
Maybe u've earn much from those firms who apply wire phone from u and u dont care about us
ok fine, u'll still lose some businesses from those families
I've learned from u, short term marketing strategy wont work, ur image is alrdy BROKEN
Internet Provider Fail
TM Nuts
08 March 2009
7 week?!
Man, i'm in da 3rd sem now, hmm...i'm alrdy here for almost 1 year
while i think of it, last year of this day i was playing Cabal Sea XD
well that's kinda fun, man i miss my guild, xtreme tactical
there are still some names i remember, Yumisen, Rainn, Kumi, Steven, Trans, Slyphia, Cyberic, Eternal, MoMoChaCha, kimura, storm, zdas, Tidal...
guys i miss u all XD
well i forgot the name of our guild leader =X
buti do remember the nickname...Jackfruit XD
We do many things 2gether, lvling, war-ing, questing, even doing stupid things like dancing in Desert Scream while we naked XD
The pic above, we r actually trying to combine our BM2 skills together, and it looks great =D
But da, well they r not playing Cabal anymore =(
i just login Cabal, press G, no 1 is online
Some of them i have thier msn, yumi, steven, the others i didn't ask them
My fellow guild members, If u'r reading this, FOR GOD'S SAKE GIVEME UR MSN XD
while i think of it, last year of this day i was playing Cabal Sea XD
well that's kinda fun, man i miss my guild, xtreme tactical
there are still some names i remember, Yumisen, Rainn, Kumi, Steven, Trans, Slyphia, Cyberic, Eternal, MoMoChaCha, kimura, storm, zdas, Tidal...
guys i miss u all XD
well i forgot the name of our guild leader =X
buti do remember the nickname...Jackfruit XD
We do many things 2gether, lvling, war-ing, questing, even doing stupid things like dancing in Desert Scream while we naked XD
The pic above, we r actually trying to combine our BM2 skills together, and it looks great =D
But da, well they r not playing Cabal anymore =(
i just login Cabal, press G, no 1 is online
Some of them i have thier msn, yumi, steven, the others i didn't ask them
My fellow guild members, If u'r reading this, FOR GOD'S SAKE GIVEME UR MSN XD
03 March 2009
Result released
28 February 2009
SEM 3!!
23 February 2009
Time Machine?

Well i'm going to react like red ranger, sem 3 starts next week
i played alot, i even feel boring to play anymore, i played 2 much XD
first finishing P4, now P3, ok a new target, finish P3 FES b4 sem 3 start
I went to Hero 2 much i guess, now i dont fell like wanna play l4d anymore
should concentrate on my P3 =P
A time machine? yeah i need 2, but i dont wanna use it to go back to the past, but the future
Besides, what's the point going back to the past, we have to accept what we've done, and face our choices we made, things may change if we go back to the past, it may erase our existence
Instead of going back to past, y not future?
Look what happen to us at the future, if it is not what u want, then do something else for NOW to change it, correct our choices
Man what am i thinking these fantasy -_-
well time machine WONT exist, holy shit i'm talking bullshit
10 February 2009
Cross dressing event in P4
I found out there's a funny event in P4, a cross dressing event, thx to Yosuke, LMAO
Ok i'll put all the pic below
and now the First, Yosuke Hanamura first

Ok now after cross dressing

Next would be Teddie, man he really looks like girl in this kind of look
This is Teddie, in human form, handsome huh?

after changing...

and final, Kanji Tatsumi XD
He looks like gangster huh? And yes he act like a gangster

and what will happen is he change into girl's cloth
Ok i'll put all the pic below
and now the First, Yosuke Hanamura first

Ok now after cross dressing

Next would be Teddie, man he really looks like girl in this kind of look
This is Teddie, in human form, handsome huh?

after changing...

and final, Kanji Tatsumi XD
He looks like gangster huh? And yes he act like a gangster

and what will happen is he change into girl's cloth

Well, it's been a while since my last post.
Finally, I'm going to finish P4, ALMOST
Just 1 more boss, then i'm on for TOL English version, muahaha
I still have about 3 weeks for my holiday, wonder will i finish TOL in this days
I decided not 2 work for this sem break [probably 2 lazy]
I must play enough then study hard next sem, lol
Oh yeah, i upgraded my laptop ram from 1.5gb to 3gb, man that's a big different
It's fast while loading the window, i'm proud or it, lol
cost me rm80, quite worth, thx to Ah hong
Finally, I'm going to finish P4, ALMOST
Just 1 more boss, then i'm on for TOL English version, muahaha
I still have about 3 weeks for my holiday, wonder will i finish TOL in this days
I decided not 2 work for this sem break [probably 2 lazy]
I must play enough then study hard next sem, lol
Oh yeah, i upgraded my laptop ram from 1.5gb to 3gb, man that's a big different
It's fast while loading the window, i'm proud or it, lol
cost me rm80, quite worth, thx to Ah hong
04 February 2009
Hoover's Steak, Recommanded
I went to Hoover to have lunch with my mum, sister and aunt, man it's been a long time since my last visit
I never have steak for a long time, for my own sake i order a sirloin steak and OMFG!!
This is the REAL medium steak, compare to Lana's, Lana u sucks
The pic, actually i ate half of it, the size should be double lol
It wasn't so delicious but that's the real medium steak, unlike others. I order medium and those suckers gave me full cooked, it was like, "Am I eating a rock?"
31 January 2009
Lucky day
Phew, won around 20 bucks in D Gay man's house. =D
ok, enough gambling, no more.
Since this is the first time I be the banker, not bad, LOL!
Actually I did not won, just won back the money i lost LOL
whatever, it's enough, no more gambling
ok, new year season is going to end, guess i have to do something, Persona 4 or part time? O_o
think about it later, i didn't even count my ang pao money yet
ok, enough gambling, no more.
Since this is the first time I be the banker, not bad, LOL!
Actually I did not won, just won back the money i lost LOL
whatever, it's enough, no more gambling
ok, new year season is going to end, guess i have to do something, Persona 4 or part time? O_o
think about it later, i didn't even count my ang pao money yet
29 January 2009
Boring CNY
man, kinda boring nowadays.
CNY? So what? It's still the same as usual -_-
For me it's really nothing special, we are still doing the same thing every year.
I went out fewer than last year, compare to last year, honestly i just dont really like it, going everyone's house and sit for about half an hour, get red packet, leave and go to another houses, so i decided not to do that this year, lol.
But da, I still love the food, especially by granny, since they dont want granny to be exhausted, Shio Cha is cooked by aunt Jenny, and they bought the chicken soup, it's nice too.
I cant stop eating, holyshit, i better stop it or either go for sports. Since no swimming pool in TI, guess i better stop eatting like a werewolf, and becoming a boomer. XD
CNY? So what? It's still the same as usual -_-
For me it's really nothing special, we are still doing the same thing every year.
I went out fewer than last year, compare to last year, honestly i just dont really like it, going everyone's house and sit for about half an hour, get red packet, leave and go to another houses, so i decided not to do that this year, lol.
But da, I still love the food, especially by granny, since they dont want granny to be exhausted, Shio Cha is cooked by aunt Jenny, and they bought the chicken soup, it's nice too.
I cant stop eating, holyshit, i better stop it or either go for sports. Since no swimming pool in TI, guess i better stop eatting like a werewolf, and becoming a boomer. XD
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